I wanted to take a moment to write about my Mom today. She has been such a wonderful mother throughout my entire life. I am so thankful for the way Mom and Dad raised me and my brother. Mom always taught us right from wrong. She showed by example how important it is to live for God. Mom sacrificed many things in her life just to provide for me and Jody when we were growing up. Mom rarely bought things for herself, but always focused on what Dad, Jody, and I needed. Mom worked many days and nights at her medical transcription job to provide for her family. We always had everything we needed, as well as a few things we just wanted. Most importantly, Mom spent time with us. Mom has always been there when we needed her. Mom attended every special function I ever had as a child. She made sure we always took a family vacation and got to go do fun things together as a family.
I am so thankful for the way Mom continues to love us so greatly. I know that if there is anything I need, my Mom is going to be the person I can count on to help me. I know that I can call her for something as trivial as: "Hey, Mom, They're serving hot dogs at school today. Could you go get something good for me to eat?" Whatever I need, she will make it happen.
Despite suffering daily with her health and long-term, heavy doses of prednisone, Mom still manages to put others before herself. We rarely give her the recognition she deserves.
Now that I have a daughter of my own, I am beginning to realize just how much my Mom loves me. The love I have for Kaitlin is just so huge, it's indescribable. It's amazing how much I learned from my Mom growing up that I didn't realize she taught me. I find myself kissing away boo-boos when Kaitlin takes a fall. I find myself holding Kaitlin tightly when she's sick or scared and telling her it will be okay because Mommy is here. I find myself reading The Three Little Kittens with the same dramatic emotion my Mom had when she read it to me so many times. There are so many things I do with Kaitlin each and every day that I realize I do because my Mom showed me. I hope that one day, when Kaitlin has a child of her own, that she will automatically do these things too...just because her Mommy taught her how.
Thank you, Mom, for being who you were when we were little, and for being who you are now.
Happy Mother's Day!